

DIVINE:ZERO - Interview zum Metal de Houte Open Air 2022, 13.08. - legendary


DIVINE:ZERO - 1st album "the day god left" as full album version on Youtube! The cd is sold out!



DIVINE:ZERO - LIVE @ Summernight Open Air Mechernich, 22.07.2017

DIVINE:ZERO - LIVE @ Bloodpounding Tour 2016 - Erkelenz, Auditorium - Ostersonntag, 28.03.2016

DIVINE:ZERO - Live 2016, Krefeld - Magnapop - Support für DAGOBA (FR) + Hammercult (D/ISR) - 23.01.2016

DIVINE:ZERO - The final virus (2014 longplayer: the cold asylum)


Bloodpunding live:

 Bloodpounding Drums in slow motion:

Live @ Rage against racism:

New Logo Promo Video:


🔥2025  New Album🔥

11.05. - NL - Deventer - Metalfest
27.07. - BE - Ramsel - Asgard Metal Fest
31.08. - DE - Kamen - Metal BBQ
14.09. - DE - Kesternich - DGH Open Air
21.09. - DE - Rheinau, Metalspeck Festival
28.09. - DE - Schwalmtal
31.10. - DE - Viersen - Halloween
09.11. - DE - Schwelm - Eisenfest
14.12. - DE - Mannheim, 7er Club, Knüppelnacht


04.01. - DE - Köln, Club Volta
01.02. - DE - M`Gladbach, Kultube

19.04. - DE - Oberhausen
xx.09. - BE - Devils Rock for an Angel Fest




Current longplayer

the cold asylum:

Cover - Divine:Zero - the cold asylum

Facebook Stream:

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